Artist Statement

Amanda M. Franqui

Throughout all of my artwork there are a big variety of mediums that are put into it. Either it being a illustration, painting or a photograph the styles go into dark themes and constant expressive works that'll get you to think. Wondering and figuring out theses images within it's whole meaning. Almost all my work have a cartoony or anime touch to it. My inspiration came from subcultures like goth, punk and emo. Also the first time I ever watched anime as a little kid.
Interpretations of death, sorrow and actions of society are placed and combined into one, revealing mixed feelings. Artists like Alister Dippner ( Imamachinist), Bleedman, and DemiseMan inspired me so much with their sense of creativity that bended my ideas.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Matthew Barney ( Art Piece Response)

The piece I found the most interesting by Matthew Barney was the Guardian of the Veil: The Bonds that gag my mouth have been loosed by my city God (2007). Which was done in pen and white ink on black paper in a polyethylene frame 

This piece popped out to me because of the way that the gray scaling is emitted within the art piece, allowing your eyes to depict the difference in contrast and focus on the many items in it. It seems to me that there is this whole spiraling action being done with the water and the objects it's carrying away. Some of these random objects are of some books, tires and a tree. Also the positioning is varied especially for the books as where you could see some open, tilted or the pages flipping. I believe the starting point at looking at this image is the tree because it is the brightest and just to follow on with the motion that is being carried out.

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